in short - we are a local business who do...
Yes, all the members of our team have lived here in southern Spain for many years (some over 35+) and we’re proud to say that the combined knowledge & experience of our professionals gets thing done… and makes us unique.
Starting off with just a few of our privately owned properties, it wasn’t long before we realised that to achieve success whilst hiring others in all the areas required when dealing with properties here, it was going to be better to do it ourselves. So we did! Hiring the best of the best as and when we came across them, our own property number increased and we built a unity of trust and organisation that spiralled. Our neighbours, associates and even our competitors saw that we now had a good thing going and either asked to use our team or be a part of our successful business.
We now cover every property related aspect all under one roof, incl. sales & rentals, legal, gestor & architectural services, debt recovery, investment, management & maintenance, security, photo & video capture, building & renovation, painting & decorating, removals… the list goes on!
So, How can we do it all?
Our seamless organisation & proven professionalism is definitely key, as it’s simple to achieve results when you have a great team who work together in unison, all with the same goal of amazing our clients. I mean, would you go to a garage and pay them to repair your car partially?.. only to have to go to numerous other places and get caught up in a world of drama, recommendations or commissions etc. until the job was complete. You know that repair would cost you more as everyone takes their cut, or worse it never get’s finished as you start to hold back on your hard earned money and everyone starts to ‘pass-the-buck on to others about why your car still isn’t running.
When it comes to properties we excel in covering it all using the simplest of in-house coordinance to ensure smooth running of any task, from a simple rental to a new build and many would say that our area of expertise is in not only making sure you get the best services catered for, but more importantly the right ones.
A Personal Service
Each of our client’s needs & that of their property’s are different and so we approach every task individually & uniquely to guarantee that no time, money or effort is wasted and our free no-obligation consultation will always make sure our clients are getting the right services, at the right price for their needs. Whilst we are asked to maintain some of the many holiday rentals we manage using the cheapest methods possible (ie: a budget painter for 80€ per day instead of a pro at 200), we’re also required to guarantee the absolute best at times, for say a retiree planning to move into their dream home for the rest of their life. The secret is knowing where & when to use either method to suit which client, and we are experts in doing just this.
To find out more:
Your trusted partners in buying or selling property
We work responsibly & professionally to enhance people’s lives and environments….
WHY US? – We’re often told that aside from our great efficiency whilst saving people money, that trust is a big reason our clients choose to use our services. With many of our team here on the coast (issue free) for 20, 30 and even 37 years – you know you are in safe hands when selling or buying your property through us.
SELLING – First we offer you an (optional) free consultation at your property, or if you’re abroad we can videocall you from it. We will go through and simplify how the process works when selling your property in Andalucía, so within minutes you will see clearly how our unique ‘all under one roof’ service and our ‘tips n tricks’ will enable you to get the best price for your property in the shortest time.
BUYING – So, if we’re getting the best price for a seller, then surely buying through us would be more expensive right? No, as quite simply we still have a large majority of properties that we know from experience are good value and some bargains too.
HOW! – Whether you are buying or selling your property in Spain, we guarantee an honest service and will let you know if you are barking up the wrong tree.
We have all that’s needed to buy or sell your property and the experience to get it done in record time…
so what are you waiting for 🙂
Contact one of our team direct or leave us a message and we will get straight back to you.
Your trusted partners in finding or renting property
We work responsibly & professionally to enhance people’s lives and environments….
WHY US? – Our great relationship between owners & tenants is most certainly the secret to our success in seamless renting. Our wide experience over many decades here ensures we find the most suited tenant for a property and the right home if you’re looking to rent your property.
OWNERS – Whilst a proof of income & some references are nice, they sometimes mean squat, so when it comes to ensuring the tenant selected for your property, we more than often know their boss, where they lived before or other details that really gives a true impression and leads to a peaceful relationship.
RENTERS – Harmony is key, without fear of eviction for example because the property you’re in has been suddenly sold. Well unless you chose from a selection of places at bargain prices because all are aware – but the issue free relationships we maintain means the new owner would want you to stay.
HOW! – Whether you are looking to rent your property or looking for a place to call home, we guarantee to find you both the best combination between owner & renter.
We have all that’s needed to find or rent your property and the experience to get it done in record time…
so what are you waiting for 🙂
Contact one of our team direct or leave us a message and we will get straight back to you.
Our most popular service is us making-over your property in record time, so that our professionals can then photograph or video it for you.
Yes, it’s exactly what it says on the tin, er label, er… what it says above. We have warehouses of furniture & a van that can be pre-packed with attractive items, such as furniture, art, cushions, flowers etc. things that we can carry in and out in a flash, but will make a world of difference to a property that needs to look it’s best for viewing or photo/video capture.
Some properties don’t need this extra boutique make-over service and we will always be honest if we’re confident that our experts can make magic with what’s already there… However, it is more than often that due to the low extra cost having the items on hand, our clients nearly always end up using some things, even if just some suited pictures or matching flowers to make their property stand out from the rest… or even some paint, yes, we always have some on-board. The point is that you will get amazing images, video or virtual tour with your new look.
First we offer you an optional free consultation at your property, just to check it out and decide if a designer needs to pass by. Often they accompany us anyway, however if not available they arrange a convenient time with you should we need them. They then scout the property and decide if we hold suitable items either on board or in our warehouses that guarantee to make a big difference. This can take just 5 minutes sometimes, or can instead even be done with a photo sent to us beforehand. Unfurnished properties are also catered for and unless you have potential tenants or buyers passing on the same day so want it all simultaneously to look amazing, we can often save time on large items by redressing up the same items differently in the other rooms.
Your selected items and/or people will then do their magic. Whether a full makeover, just some bits, just video or just the use of our amazing photographers, your property will be captured and usually the surrounding area for free, you know, to capture the full feel of the place.
We have the furniture, items, style & the experience… so what are you waiting for 🙂
Virtual Tour/360/Aerial
Our own in-house pro-level operators will make your property look the best it can.
We have our own full-frame equipment, lighting, wide angle/tilt-shift lenses & more to ensure your property looks correct… and more to the point our professionals know how to use them.
PHOTOGRAPHYFrom a basic shoot, we have been told by most that the reason for our success capturing properties in southern Spain is how we can make anywhere look great – but without making it look misleading with ridiculous fish-eye style angles that some owners think will trick the viewer in to thinking that it’s bigger than it actually is. There is a true clean & crisp style that when colour corrected and enhanced we use by default to ensure that the viewer sees it all, but in a way that there are no surprises when they visit the property.
So many property owners consider that their newest iPhone will capture sufficient video to do the job of advertising, however it has been proven by our ongoing aftermarketing questionnaire, that even if the potential renter/buyer can’t easily distinguish something taken on a mobile device from pro-level video, they did feel that something wasn’t quite right.
If many of the other property videos that someone looks at feels more lifelike, then yours is much less likely to be taken in to account if it’s not properly made, the idea is that yours instead stands out from the rest and people feel more comfortable arranging to view yours instead of someone else’s that attempted a realistic video with insufficient equipment or their mobile phone. The correct resolution, lighting, lens, frame rate & more all contribute to ensuring your video makes the viewer feel more at ease about spending time to see the video through to the end and this of course improves the chances of them contacting you as a potential tenant/buyer.
We boast a large arsenal of equipment that we carry on-board for each & every job and even more in our studio & warehouse. We are renowned for our remote motorised cranes that allow smooth motion anywhere low or extremely high. We do not know of another local photographer who owns even one of these as they are extremely expensive and they rent them at the client’s expense, we however carry our on-board (ready for anything & ready to go – so no setting up time wasted) and we of course offer it free as we do everything on-board.
EQUIPMENT CAMERAS (x7) Full Frame 22.3 MP 5D Series x2 | 600 Series 18 MP x2 | 4K Drone | QS Capture Device 40MP – VIDEOCAMERAS (x6) Full Frame 4K RAW/Full HD x3 | GoPros 4K x2 | 4K Drone | QS Capture Device 4K | DigiCam FHD – LENSES (x12) Canon Primes | SuperMacros | Sup
So, we have the staff, the knowledge, the gear, & the experience… so what are you waiting for 🙂
Feel free to contact one of our team direct or leave us a message and we will get straight back to you.
To have us visit you (with cameras on-board in case you want something captured there & then). contact us anytime:
Phone: (+34) 951741911
Mobile: (+34) 643 034 894
Email: info@propertyboutique.es
Facebook: fb.me/PropertyBoutiqueSpain