Our own in-house pro-level operators with the latest full-frame/4k equipment will make your property look the best it can, using their wide experience or property capture here in southern Spain.
Quite simply, with us you will get exactly what you are looking for. From customer service to the most professional capture service… and we’ll save money on every type of shoot too!
We can do anything & everything you need! Yes, whilst we are more than happy to advise you based on your particular property and your goals for the material captured, who are we to tell you that you need ‘this’ or ‘that’. Generally we tailor suit your capture based on your criteria but work with you when you have a particular thing in mind.
The large majority of properties on our website were captured by us, Whether that be a quick budget selection of photos, to a full on virtual tour with an impressive aerial drome capture. See examples here
We are based in Malaga and generally concentrate on the Malaga to Sotogrande area however we cover the capture properties at no extra cost anywhere between Nerja & Gibraltar (inland to Ronda) and often even venture further when our client covers travel.
One of the reasons for our success capturing properties is that we teamed up with the largest photography agency on the coast ‘PhotoMarbella’ and we can choose from 250+ operators of different levels, meaning we capture your property at a budget that suits you. Yes, everyone has a different idea of what they would spend on capturing their property and subsequently how good they want it to look. From an entry-level photographer with a regular camera who is eager to do the best they can at a budget price, to our mainstream personnel who have the experience required and pro equipment, and up to an amazing elite-level team with state-of-the-art technologies that will make you stand out from the crowd… you choose what suits you! We accept payment in most currencies.
PHOTOGRAPHYWe have our own full-frame equipment, lighting, wide angle/tilt-shift lenses & more to ensure your property looks correct… and more to the point our professionals know how to use them.
From a basic shoot, we have been told by most that the reason for our success capturing properties in southern Spain is how we can make anywhere look great – but without making it look misleading with ridiculous fish-eye style angles that some owners think will trick the viewer in to thinking that it’s bigger than it actually is. There is a true clean & crisp style that when colour corrected and enhanced we use by default to ensure that the viewer sees it all, but in a way that there are no surprises when they visit the property.
VIDEOSo many property owners consider that their newest iPhone will capture sufficient video to do the job of advertising, however it has been proven by our ongoing aftermarketing questionnaire, that even if the potential renter/buyer can’t easily distinguish something taken on a mobile device from pro-level video, they did feel that something wasn’t quite right.
If many of the other property videos that someone looks at feels more lifelike, then yours is much less likely to be taken in to account if it’s not properly made, the idea is that yours instead stands out from the rest and people feel more comfortable arranging to view yours instead of someone else’s that attempted a realistic video with insufficient equipment or their mobile phone. The correct resolution, lighting, lens, frame rate & more all contribute to ensuring your video makes the viewer feel more at ease about spending time to see the video through to the end and this of course improves the chances of them contacting you as a potential tenant/buyer.
VIRTUAL TOURYou can’t beat the option to allow anyone in the world to virtually walk around your property in a 360 degree environment, as this is the best way for them to really feel like they are there. With everyone now having a mobile device and knowing how to swipe forward & back or pinch to zoom, a virtual therefore dramatically improves the chances of success.
People are much more likely to warm towards your property over others because they have the experience and feelings in their memory that they then unconsciously use as the comparison when viewing others. A virtual-tour always wins.
AERIALIf you want the ultimate to show off your property, then a montage of fly-by, panning and perimeter tracking scenes will definitely do this with style. Drone, crane & jib coverage is undoubtedly breathtaking at any property and allows the viewer to feel the property as a whole.
Aerial capture has been proven to be more rememberable to potential tenants/buyers and therefore the absolute best method in property sales/rentals. When people get a moving bird’s-eye view of a property, it activates a great feeling of flight & freedom, consequently resulting in the absolute highest level of chance that they will select yours over any other. We have even experienced people sharing an aerial video on social media just to say ‘wish I could live there’ and that sharing led to a buyer seeing it and to the successful sale. Even an apartment can benefit from aerial capture as people can see the pool, gardens and local area in one hit and we offer a reduction for apartments as the footage may be required by others on the same complex.
To have us visit you (with cameras on-board in case you want something captured there & then). contact us anytime:
Phone: (+34) 951741911
Mobile: (+34) 661 194 653