Our pre tailored packages enable our clients to sell their property in record time
…and with the minimum of payout!
It is a well known fact that here in southern Andalucía, the winning approach for the large majority of property sales are the ones that included ‘Direct from Owner’, even when for some reason it’s not exactly the case. Potential clients just love the idea that they should achieve better results bypassing a greedy agent that would sell their own mother for some commission.
Well, there is an ‘in-between’ that we offer whereby property owners can maintain control whilst simultaneously receiving adequate assistance to ensure smooth sailing. We supply this via by standardised packages below that have been compiled over the years to guarantee our clients get exactly what they want.
Our sales options start from a free listing up to packages that contain everything needed & more from start to finish for you to sell your property ‘Direct from Owner’, from the initial free consultation, through to the legal/financial assistance at the closing stages.
Free Listing
If you already know general information about the property…
- No Listing Fee
- Upload up to 48 Images
- Add Additional Details & Features
- Visible on Live Database
- Offer Notification
- Marker on Map
- No charges of any sort
- No Commission Fee
free registration 0€
You can dramatically improve your chances of a speedy sale, getting your asking price or simply receiving lots of offers when selling a property by yourself, by upgrading to a professional package that is proven to get results.
Basic Essentials…
- Consultation
- Photographer
- 10 Photos
- Local Listing
- Offer Notification
189€ out of season offer 125€
Most Common…
- Consultation
- Advice
- Meeting
- Photographer
- 30+ Photos
- Slideshow
- Multiple Listings
- Offers Notifications
375€ out of season offer 225€
Ultimate All Included…
- Consultation
- Full Planning/Advice
- Multiple Meetings
- Photographer
- Unlimited Photos
- Full Slideshow
- 4k/Aerial Video
- Listed Worldwide
- Newsletter Inclusion
- Social Net Marketing
- Floorplan Guide
- For Sale notice board
- Unlimited Notifications
- Negotiation Assistance
- Legal Advice
799€ out of season offer 485€