Find out why we are different when it comes to selling or renting your property in southern Spain and why ‘different’ makes all the difference to your peace of mind & your pocket…
Quite simply, our pre tailored packages enable our clients to sell or rent their property in record time and with the minimum of payout!
It is a well known fact that here in southern Andalucía, the winning approach for the large majority of property transactions are the ones that included ‘Direct from Owner’, even when for some reason it’s not exactly the case,. Potential clients just love the idea that they should achieve better results bypassing a greedy agent that would sell their own mother for some commission.
Well, there is an ‘in-between’ that we offer whereby property owners can maintain control whilst simultaneously receiving adequate assistance to ensure smooth sailing. We supply this via by standardised packages below that have been compiled over the years to guarantee our clients get exactly what they want.
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