Whilst we know that a photo can show a good representation of one particular angle of something, video can offer many angles and also redirect the viewer to a particular part when desired. This is very useful if you need to highlight something that will intern avoid emphasis of something else you would prefer to be less noticed. The artistic possibilities are limitless with video! Whilst a photo can be creative of course, it still needs to clearly show a certain thing, whereas video can go beyond these limits and stun the viewer in any way, just as long as it transforms into something required. People will subconsciously remember information in particular part of a video that you can choose, because they were pleased by visual elements around that time.
Whether you are a property owner or an agent, we are more than happy to explain fully the benefits of our video services and offer advice as to whether it would be lucrative for you or your business.
4K Quality
With many people now using high quality mobile devices & TV’s that have 4k resolution screens and higher, it is not as accepted anymore to expect others to tolerate low resolution or poor quality material. Furthermore, what might looks acceptable on a 9 inch iPad, can look absolutely awful on a now common 65 inch 4k TV.
Just a few years back, many thought that if someone had professional photo or video made, that they were possibly overrating what it is they are trying to show… well that’s changed and people now expect quality and instead comment when its not. Despite this, many people go out and purchase super cool camera phones believing that the capabilities of these devices are good enough, but we can assure you that media captured on these can portray that you dont care. Like most things in life, we shouldn’t comment on what others might be thinking and where I myself might be ok with a can of Fanta, others see freshly squeezed orange as better, or some an expensive bottle of wine, so its impossible to tell others what should be classed as acceptable to them. The safest bet in media and the property market is to cover all by offering the best quality video and then a minority may not know its the best but are happy it’s good anyway, everyone else will know that behind this superb quality usually lies more quality and that sells.
To find out more about video for you, call us on: 661194653 or message us anytime.